Super Shopping Saturday!

For the first time in a very long time, I went shopping — not the kind of shopping where I have to buy something in particular that I need, but rather, shopping for fun.

It was a rather successful afternoon:

1. I got my hair cut. It’s now just a bit shorter than shoulder length. My layers have also been “refreshed,” so it moves.

2. Then I found my first, non-weather-related clothing purchase of the year. At Younkers, I found an awesome(!) RL Lauren Jeans Co. indigo denim jacket (“Arlie”) with a mandarin/military-style collar, fitted bodice with button closures up the front and a little bit of “puff” at the top of the sleeves without being too “Little House on the Prairie.”

3. My Fiestaware addiction continues! Younkers was having a sale, and they had the new purple “Heather” color. So I picked up this little two-cup teapot, plus a little plate to put under it (and to protect my table as I use it). Isn’t it cute?

Fiestaware Teapot

4. Finally, I finally got Kitty-mon the “Cat Magnet.” Once you’ve seen the picture, there’s no explanation needed.

Kitty-mon and the Cat Magnet

The very best part of the day? The weather! The past two days were in the 50s, and today was in the 60s. Woo-hoo! I can officially say, “I’ve survived my first Iowa winter!”