I Have But One Egret…

Great Egret - April 2014

How was your weekend? I was on the go for most of mine: a showing of Captain America: The Winter Soldier on Friday, Stalag 17 on the big screen at the Sarasota Film Festival on Saturday, a bookstore run, and some family meals with my mom, brother, and sister-in-law. Then I came back to the residence to find wildlife… attempting to make itself at home.

This big bird, a Great Egret (photo above), was perched on the bush right next to my car. After a five-minute staring contest, he (or she) granted me a photo opp before deciding to take flight.

The other visitor — a frog stuck to the exterior of a second-story window — may or may not be in trouble. I can’t reach it, even though it’s on a window I pass by multiple times a day. I don’t want to watch it possibly shrivel up and die, so I covered the window from the inside with sticky notes (a la Tetris or Minecraft) to prevent myself from unintentionally seeing it.

The cool-looking egret is the animal image I’d prefer to have etched in my memory from this weekend. 🌼