Back From AX!

Orange Sneakers

Whew! The past week was nuts, which meant no blogging for me! Why was it so crazy? It was the annual trek to Anime Expo (AX) in Los Angeles, California.

It’s one of the biggest anime (Japanese animation) conventions in the United States, and I made the trip this year because my workplace announced its licenses for two new series. It’s exciting stuff, but it also involves a lot of prep work — whether I happen to be attending the show in person or not!

I’ll post more about the trip, but today’s post is dedicated to two things.

  1. Kitty-mon behaved in an uncharacteristically un-monster-like fashion and was nice to her cat sitter (C), even agreeing to come downstairs and sit by her. Of course, then Kitty-mon started talking at C, who went upstairs to get cat treats and came back to find a stripey cat hunkered down on my desk chair. You see, Kitty-mon wanted C to move so she could sit there instead. Isn’t she sweet? (Not really!! 🤣 >^..^<)
  2. After wearing dress shoes and/or boots for the entirety of the weekend — I need every extra inch I can get! — it was nice to wear sneakers to work. Aren’t they a lovely shade of Gator orange?

Until the next time!