New at Aligator Pop (& Questions for YOU)

Aligator Pop - New Layout - Fall 2013
New Layout – Fall 2013

The year of many changes continues.

House sold? Check. Initial move (to Florida)? Complete. Another Midwest winter? Avoided. ;-)

Next up: Gigs(!) and site renovations.

My blog, Absolute Aligator, is now live with a new theme, and I finally treated Aligator Pop to the equivalent of a new coat of paint… which is mostly very orange.

It’s a return to form. Way back in the early 2000s, all of my sites started out with varying shades of orange in their color palettes. (*cough* AliGATOR *cough*) It feels right to pull some of that history back into the latest version of my online home base and into the next stage.

Two questions for those of you reading this, which can be answered via the comments, social media, or email (alison at this site):

  • What would you find interesting and/or like to read and see from me in this space? (I haven’t asked in a while, partially because the responsibilities of my former job precluded it at the time.)
  • Are there any other social networking and interest sites that you recommend and think I should join? I have a few additions in mind, but it’s always nice to know if there’s something I’ve missed.

As always, thanks for reading! Florida peeps, I’ll be seeing some of you soon!! ★