From Iowa to Florida and Back

Gator(!)Hello Kitty

Things always seem to happen during the summer, don’t they?

The vast majority of my belongings are in storage, and my home is officially up for sale. But before settling into a routine of job hunting between real estate showings, I packed Kitty-mon in the truck and made a stealth trip down to Florida.

It was my first time back in six years, and I intentionally kept it low-key — mostly family and business.

So what did I do? In no particular order, I:

  • Met up with family (and got to meet future family for the first time!);
  • Slept (a lot);
  • Played with my mom’s Corgi;
  • Babied my very upset cat;
  • Explored because a lot has changed in six years; and
  • Ate all the seafood* and Greek food that I’d been craving since I left Florida. (*I didn’t get seafood-sick at all. Whew!)

Oh, and I picked up a little souvenir. I mean, really… How could I resist Hello Kitty in Gator gear? (It’s also a USB drive.) ☀️